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Understanding vaccine hesitancy with Dr. Scott Wong

Fear of unknown side effects are but one of the things holding locals back from getting vaccinated.
11 Jan 2022
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Racism in Singapore should be openly discussed, locals say

Following a slate of race-related issues in the country, locals are now more inclined to have difficult conversations with each other.
11 Jan 2022
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The Results of Our Social Mobility Survey Are In

At OPPI, we believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. That’s why we partnered with Access Singapore to run a survey on social mobility in Singapore.
11 Jan 2022
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Transparency and public engagement key in tackling sustainability, local activists say

It's time to take climate change seriously and to start protecting our collective home on this Earth.
11 Jan 2022
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Strengthening the Singaporean core

Employability and competition from foreigners are among some of the worries that the local workforce have.
11 Jan 2022
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Seeking common ground among the divided

Presenting a revolutionary approach to crowdsourcing opinions and ideas.
11 Jan 2022
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Shaping the future of Singapore

It's official — Singaporeans list creating unity and maintaining the reputation of the nation as some of the things that they want for Singapore.
11 Jan 2022
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Participative-X by OPPi

Harness the collective intelligence of any group and discover shared consensus among differing opinions.
11 Jan 2022
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Parenting in the age of screens

In the time of home-based learning and online games, how can we protect our children from the dangers of the cyber world?
11 Jan 2022
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More support needed for migrant domestic workers in Singapore

With the recent spate of horrific abuse cases involving foreign domestic workers, we take a look at what needs to be done moving forward.
11 Jan 2022
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Is cancel culture beneficial to society?

In the world of social media, freedom of speech is a double-edged sword.
11 Jan 2022
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OPPi’s Decision Matrix

How do we make the right decisions at the right time for the right issues and people?
11 Jan 2022
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IPS Online Forum on 6 May 2020 — Policy Responses and Lessons from Covid-19 Pandemic

Our findings on the forum on Migrant Workers: Policy Responses and Lessons from COVID-19 Pandemic.
11 Jan 2022
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Does Meritocracy work in Singapore?

Read our latest report on what Singaporeans felt about the meritocratic system in Singapore
11 Jan 2022
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IPS online forum on 13 May 2020 — Private Data, Public good?

In the second IPS online series we discussed the use of personal data for public good during the current health crisis and its implications beyond COVID-19.
11 Jan 2022
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How we can learn better in schools with OPPi

We take a look at how we can implement measures and work towards having future-ready classrooms in schools.
11 Jan 2022
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How do students see the world in 2050? [France-Singapore]

Have you imagined the world in 2050? If so, what do you think it will be like?
11 Jan 2022
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Gender inequality in Singapore

In the battle to eradicate gender inequality, where do we begin?
11 Jan 2022
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Happy End of 2020!

We launched OPPI and we have come a long way because of you! Read on to find out what we have done since our launch this year!
11 Jan 2022
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How to craft a good engagement session with OPPi

Ask better questions to craft better surveys with these seven quick tips.
11 Jan 2022
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How can Budget 2021 adequately address the needs of our low-income communities?

The theme of Budget 2021 is Emerging Stronger Together, but how else can we support the low-income communities locally?
11 Jan 2022
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3 tips to engage your stakeholders during a pandemic

The pandemic has taken a toll on all of us mentally and emotionally, but that doesn't mean that we should neglect our stakeholders.
11 Jan 2022
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Returning back to Office? How has Covid-19 shaped our attitudes towards the workplace

Following up on our poll with Straits Times in October 2020, we now ask 1119 representative Singaporeans on what they think about returning back to office after the easing of safe management measures.
11 Jan 2022
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COVID-19 vaccine: to take or not to take?

Between this social responsibility and personal choice, the key lies in making an informed decision.
11 Jan 2022
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Break the discussion deadlock with “How Might We”?

How do we handle conflicts? Or brainstorm? Or lead an ideation session effectively?
11 Jan 2022
5 min read
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Cats in HDB flats? The public says yes

The fight to legalise keeping cats as pets in public housing continues as locals show their support for the cause.
11 Jan 2022
5 min read
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Find answers to common questions about OPPI.

Is there a limit to the number of questions/statements I can ask per engagement session?

With the free Pathfinder plan, you can ask a maximum of 10 questions per engagement session. There’s no limit with paid plans.

How many respondents does an engagement session need before OPPi is able to analyse results?

OPPi starts analysing data immediately, but that information only becomes meaningful once you’ve heard from a few respondents. You’ll be able to view an analytics report on your session once you’ve had seven responses.

If I upgrade to a Trailblazer or Explorer plan, will my data be carried across from my Pathfinder account?

Yes. All data in your free account will be upgraded to the premium account.

Can I download the raw data for my session?

Yes, if you have a Trailblazer or Explorer plan. If you have a Pathfinder plan, you’ll need to upgrade to view the raw data.

I would like to conduct face-to-face interviews or focus group discussions and then let OPPI analyse the data. Is that possible and how much would it cost?

Yes, you can do that. We’ll need to customise your package and for that you’ll need our Explorer plan. Contact us so we can explore what you need and quote you.

What features are you planning next?

Lots! Stay up to date by following us on Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn, or send any suggestions or feedback to hello@oppi.live.

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